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Playbook: Choosing the Right Sales Coaching Solution [eBook]

Mar 23rd, 2017


Much like maintaining a healthy diet, maintaining a field-ready sales team isn’t something you can just set and forget. Sales coaching requires constant repetition, reinforcement, and time. In fact, the latter is the leading reason why sales coaching—even though it’s the number one priority for sales leaders—often gets scrapped for what are at the time deemed more pressing items.

Incorporating the right sales coaching technology will not only save you time, but increase sales effectiveness within your organization. But as with any new technology investment, there are questions that need to be answered. For example – what does the right sales coaching solution look like? And how do sales leaders ensure they’ll see ROI, get buy-in from reps, and feel confident they are not just putting in extra work?

This exclusive playbook, Choosing the Right Sales Coaching Solution, provides details on the different ways coaching technology can help an organization, with details on important features like:

  • Video-based coaching
  • Options for both teams and individuals
  • CRM access to coaching resources and so much more

Download the full playbook to ensure that your prospective sales coaching technology checks off all the boxes, or if you’ve already adopted a solution, learn best practices to ensure successful adoption and get the most out of your investment.