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Brainshark Ideas Blog

Tips and ideas for sales readiness, training, coaching and more.

8 Must-Have Sales Enablement Technology Features [eBook]

This exclusive eBook outlines the most important features to target when investing in a sales enablement and readiness solution for your business.

What Did Sales Organizations Do BSE (Before Sales Enablement)?

Brainshark’s Jim Ninivaggi reflects back on how businesses trained sales reps before the evolution of the sales enablement function.

How Seasoned Salespeople Should be Using Their Experience [Insights from Dr. Carmen Simon]

Seasoned salespeople can use their extensive experience to create a distinguished message, but is it memorable?

Developing the Sales Reps of the Future [Podcast]

Brainshark’s Mike Kunkle reflects back on his 25 years of sales experience and shares his thoughts on today’s reps and what the future holds for them.

Align Sales Managers and Training to Drive Real Results in 2017

The alignment and partnership between sales training and front-line managers has great potential to drive sales results - but not without buy-in and a...

Your Untrained Sales Force Could Literally Be Dangerous

Sales training and mastery are important, especially when untrained reps put customers in harm’s way.

How to Make 2017 The Year of Sales Manager Enablement

Brainshark’s Mike Kunkle predicts that sales manager enablement will take center stage in 2017 but only if companies make significant investments and...

The Key to Memorable Conversations with Prospects and Customers [Insights from Dr. Carmen Simon]

Cognitive scientist Dr. Carmen Simon shares the key to having more memorable conversations with prospects and customers.

Channel Sales Readiness: How to Have Better Sales Conversations

The key to making sure reps are having better conversations with buyers is for them to understand the ins and outs of their buyers’ purchasing journey...